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sobota, 15 listopada 2014

A testa in giu' - it's out!

My first graphic novel, A testa in giu', is out now with the Italian publisher Topipittori.
A few more details here.
I will be presenting the book in Torino (18.11 at 19.30, Polski Kot, via Massana 19),
Milano (19.11, Spazio b**k, at 19:30), and will be present at the BilBolBul Comics Festival next weekend (21-23 nov). See you!

And yes, you can expect regular posting on the blog again! Sorry for the rather long break.

środa, 4 czerwca 2014

almost there

i'm still here! it's just that i'm in the last stages of working on my comic and unable to do much else. meanwhile, here is an illustration that got cut from an editorial series i worked on in April. 
we could play 'guess the artist' but it's a bit too obvious no? i'll share the rest of the illustrations once the magazine comes out. can't wait!
ok, now back to adjusting the page layouts in the book..

piątek, 16 maja 2014

Interpretation of Dreams

Just received the new issue of Zwykłe Życie magazine in the mail, with some of my illustrations inside! 
The entire (beautiful) issue is dedicated to Sleep, and my drawings were made to accompany an article about the interpretation of dreams. There's more on my website. Thanks to the editor Marta Mach for the fun commission!

poniedziałek, 28 kwietnia 2014

it's because she's got hair

it's been all about comics on the blog lately, so here's an illustration for a change: the May wallpaper I made for the Studio Armad'illo monthly newsletter. You can download it here in a bunch of sizes.

niedziela, 27 kwietnia 2014


i  got my copy of the nobrow # 9 in early april, and it's absolutely beautiful. the comic by bianca bagnarelli is  a stunner, as are most illustrations. incredibly honoured to be part of the issue.  

here are some shots of my own four-page comic, inspired by a childhood experience involving the staircase leading to my grandfather's flat, and a mysterious door with a sign saying 'SILENCE' above it; 
you can see more on my website

piątek, 21 marca 2014

a testa in giu'

Bologna book fair preparations: just printed the mock-up of my graphic novel for Topipittori today! It's not entirely ready, I'm drawing the last chapter right now. But most of it is here! It's been a long time coming... And it will finally be out this autumn.

Off to Bologna in two days, it will be my fourth fair! Time flies.

piątek, 14 marca 2014

coming soon: nobrow # 9

the mess you see below has just become a four-page comic for the new Nobrow anthology, which is now available for pre-order, and is coming out in April. the Nobrow anthologies are such beautiful objects, cannot wait for my copy to arrive! not to mention the talent packed into each issue. humbled and  superexcited to be a part of it! i'll post more images as soon as it's out!

piątek, 28 lutego 2014

tree + house = ?

studio armad'illo has refreshed it's website just in time for spring, and there's a bunch of new projects on it too, including an interactive poster i made for Giunti Progetti Educativi last autumn. it's a treehouse that doubles as a sustainable household! click through to the armad'illo website to have a better look. 

it was a lot of fun to do, but also a ton of work, with multiple revisions and dozens of extra frames for the animations (for the online game) and lift-the-flap images (for the print version). i'm thinking of making an animated gif of the process, hope to share it soon!


poniedziałek, 17 lutego 2014

dream logic

here's a little preview of an editorial job i have just finished for the Polish magazine "Zwykłe Życie".
made for an article about interpreting dreams. will post more as soon as it's out!

piątek, 31 stycznia 2014

New York Times Book Review and Neighbourhood Mischief

I had an illustration in last Sunday's Book Review section of the New York Times!
Here's the final drawing, and the a screenshot of the article itself. I've only seen the on-line version, since I couldn't get my hands on a print copy here in Zurich. I hope it looked ok on paper too!

I've also updated the (somewhat medieval) webiste with illustrations for "Podwórkowe psotnice", a little book for Egmont's series "Czytam sobie", for Polish children learning to read. The text, by Rafał Witek, tells a rather entertaining story of two mischievous little girls playing pranks on their neighbours and friends.
Here they are, plotting their next attack:

While digging through the archives, I also found a reference photo I took of myself while working on the cover. That's rather unusual; normally I am too lazy to take reference photos of anything, and my characters have a questionable anatomy at best. It made me laugh a bit.

poniedziałek, 20 stycznia 2014

Bologna Illustrators Exhibition

Hurray! Happy to tell you that my illustrations for "Kolorowe Prostokąty" have been selected for this year's show at the Bologna Book Fair. I couldn't be more excited!