czwartek, 23 kwietnia 2015
spring forest
a few recent projects have just gone on the website, along with a little spring vignette for the home page. just click here.
czwartek, 29 stycznia 2015
a little update
one of the few advantages of being stuck at home with a nasty cold is that you get round to doing things you've been meaning to do for ages, like sorting through your socks or finally updating your website. you'll be happy to hear (I'm sure) that I've uploaded a bunch of recent projects to the site, and reorganised it slightly. it still needs an actual, proper rehaul in order tro bring it into the current century, but it will take a bit more than a cold to do this, so I'm sticking to good old indexhibit for now.
here it is - take a look, if you'd like, right over here at the usual
here it is - take a look, if you'd like, right over here at the usual
sobota, 15 listopada 2014
A testa in giu' - it's out!
My first graphic novel, A testa in giu', is out now with the Italian publisher Topipittori.
A few more details here.
I will be presenting the book in Torino (18.11 at 19.30, Polski Kot, via Massana 19),
Milano (19.11, Spazio b**k, at 19:30), and will be present at the BilBolBul Comics Festival next weekend (21-23 nov). See you!
And yes, you can expect regular posting on the blog again! Sorry for the rather long break.
A few more details here.
I will be presenting the book in Torino (18.11 at 19.30, Polski Kot, via Massana 19),
Milano (19.11, Spazio b**k, at 19:30), and will be present at the BilBolBul Comics Festival next weekend (21-23 nov). See you!
And yes, you can expect regular posting on the blog again! Sorry for the rather long break.
środa, 4 czerwca 2014
almost there
i'm still here! it's just that i'm in the last stages of working on my comic and unable to do much else. meanwhile, here is an illustration that got cut from an editorial series i worked on in April.
we could play 'guess the artist' but it's a bit too obvious no? i'll share the rest of the illustrations once the magazine comes out. can't wait!
ok, now back to adjusting the page layouts in the book..
piątek, 16 maja 2014
Interpretation of Dreams
Just received the new issue of Zwykłe Życie magazine in the mail, with some of my illustrations inside!
The entire (beautiful) issue is dedicated to Sleep, and my drawings were made to accompany an article about the interpretation of dreams. There's more on my website. Thanks to the editor Marta Mach for the fun commission!
poniedziałek, 28 kwietnia 2014
it's because she's got hair
it's been all about comics on the blog lately, so here's an illustration for a change: the May wallpaper I made for the Studio Armad'illo monthly newsletter. You can download it here in a bunch of sizes.
niedziela, 27 kwietnia 2014
i got my copy of the nobrow # 9 in early april, and it's absolutely beautiful. the comic by bianca bagnarelli is a stunner, as are most illustrations. incredibly honoured to be part of the issue.
here are some shots of my own four-page comic, inspired by a childhood experience involving the staircase leading to my grandfather's flat, and a mysterious door with a sign saying 'SILENCE' above it;

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